Google Play Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary, Releases New Logo
Google Play has turned 10 and the company has launched a new logo for the online app store. Although the new logo is very similar to the previous ones, it contains minute changes. On its official blog, Google has not only revealed the new logo but mentioned other important milestones that Play Store has accomplished in the last ten years.
On July 25, 2022, Google published a blog post, celebrating 10 years of Google Play, the online app store. Google mentions in the blog post that “Think back to 2012: “Call Me Maybe” was on top of the music charts and “Venmoing” wasn’t a mainstream verb yet. Android — with its mission to make mobile computing accessible to everyone, everywhere — was just a few years old.” The post contains nine of the platform’s favourite milestones from the years that have gone by and at the end, it announces the new Google Play logo.
Here is how the new Google Play logo looks
Remember how Google made subtle changes to the Chrome’s logo earlier this year? The changes made to Google Play’s logo are similar. Google mentions that the new logo better reflects the brand and matches the branding shared by some of the most popular products by Google, including Assistant, Photos, Gmail and more. Now, let’s talk about the changes made to the logo.
At the first glance, one would notice that the new logo is not as vibrant as the new logo. In fact, Google has intentionally toned down the brightness of the four colours used in the logo, including red, blue, yellow and green. Further, the portion of red and green colours is significantly larger than it was before. Lastly, the edges of the triangular logo are rounder than before. As mentioned earlier, these changes are very subtle but they are in line with the colours used in other Google products.
In concluding the blog post, Google writes “Thank you to our Google Play community and developers for 10 years together. Play Points members can get 10x points on everything they buy by activating a points booster. The official start date varies by country — visit the “Earn” tab of Play Points Home to learn more”