
How To Download e-EPIC


 With the advent of the Booth app, the search for polling stations using QR codes has become much easier and faster. The photo water slip contains the QR code which is scanned by the polling officials at the polling station. Voters will now also be able to download their digital photo Water Slip from the Water Helpline mobile app. The process involves linking their mobile phone to an EPIC card. A digital photo water slip can be shown at the polling station instead of a physical photo water slip.

It will be a non-editable Secure Portable Document Format (PDF) version of EPIC (approximately 250 KB) which can be downloaded on mobile or computer in self printable form. Thus the voter can store the card in his mobile, upload it to Digi Locker or print it.

Self-laminate it. This is in addition to issuing PVC EPIC for new registration.

How to download e-EPIC?

Citizens can download e-EPIC from here

Download Voter Helpline App

What helpline mobile app

The Voter Helpline app has been the most important mobile app of the Election Commission of India. 53 million election-oriented searches have been made through the mobile app.